Terms of Use
of transaction.cloud website (Website), administered by Transaction Cloud Inc. (Transaction Cloud or We), a company incorporated in the USA
These Terms of Use set the terms and conditions of using the transaction.cloud Website and its services. By using the Website, you confirm that you have read, understand and consent to be bound by these Terms of Use and their each revised version.
Detailed information on the processing of your personal data by Transaction Cloud when using the Website and its services can be found in the Transaction Cloud Privacy Policy, the current version of which is always posted on the Website. In our Privacy Policy you will also find detailed information on how We use Cookies.
Website Administrator
The Website Administrator is Transaction Cloud Inc., a company incorporated in the State of Delaware in the USA under the file number: 7927747, address: 10 Dorrance St., Suite 700, PMB No. 6923, Providence, RI 02903, USA.
Account -- Vendor's account on the Website,
Active Account -- Vendor's active account on the Website (after Transaction Cloud's verification and activation, i.e., after passing the KYC procedure and signing the contract),
Buyer -- an individual or a company who purchases the licenses to the Vendor's products,
Contact Form -- "Contact Us" form available on the Website through which the User may submit an inquiry,
Inactive Account -- Vendor's inactive account on the Website (before Transaction Cloud's verification and activation),
KYC -- Know Your Client Procedure, i.e., mandatory process of identifying and verifying the Vendor's identity at the stage when Transaction Cloud enters into a contractual relationship with the Vendor and periodically over time,
Materials -- all kinds of materials made available on the Website, in particular texts, photos, graphics, including logos, charts, video files, other multimedia files, other information, etc., also subject to copyright protection,
Registered User -- a Vendor with an Active Account,
User -- every person using the Website to the extent provided in these Terms of Use,
Vendor -- an individual or a company who sells licenses to SaaS and digital products based on a specific contract concluded between Transaction Cloud and the Vendor.
Rules for Using the Website
The Website contains Materials, including information and marketing content. Our platform only supports licenses for products such as software as a service (SaaS) or digital goods.
We offer our services worldwide. We try to make our best to tailor our services to the place where you live and make every effort to ensure that the Website works continuously and without disruptions. However, We are not liable in the event of interruptions in the Website's availability or display errors.
We reserve the right to make changes to the Website, which applies to both its graphic elements and content.
Access for the Users to the generally available part of the Website does not require registration.
The User may use the Website by reading Materials available in such a way that the User has access to them through a browser, at the place and time chosen by the User, regardless of the operation mode of the device or application that the User is using for that purpose. For the proper display of the Website, We recommend using the most up to date version of the browser.
The User is obliged to use the Website for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data, or material in violation of any United States Federal, State, or other applicable law, these Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, good practices, principle of social coexistence is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to copyrighted material, material We judge to be inappropriate, threatening, obscene, or unlawful. It also applies to material protected by trade secrets and other statutes. The User is solely responsible for the content posted by him on the Website, in particular for the infringement of personal rights and rights of Transaction Cloud or third parties.
Using VPN connection services is prohibited when using the Website. Transaction Cloud is entitled to block VPN connections.
Transaction Cloud, its employees, officers, and directors, will be indemnified, defended, and held harmless by the Users from and against any claims, liabilities, penalties, settlements, judgments, and legal fees arising from:
violations of these Terms of Use by the Users,
violations of agreements made between the User and a third party by the User,
violation of any law or regulation by the User,
disputes regarding the Vendors' products or the licenses to the products that We resell.
- Natural persons under 18 years of age or legally considered a minor in the jurisdiction where they live, can only use the Transaction Cloud's services with the permission of a parent or a legal guardian and only to the extent authorized by the applicable law.
Prohibited Use
Our Website does not support the following:
- Users violating the law, these Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy or provisions of the contracts concluded with us,
- Illegal products/services or any service providing support for engaging in illegal activities,
- physical products,
- donations, crowdfunding, advertising and sponsorship,
- resale of any product without a valid reseller certificate, and resellers of products associated with a high number of customers complaints,
- pornographic products or services,
- dating services/applications,
- betting related products,
- money transfer and financial services,
- firearms,
- travel booking,
- any product, service or activity which violates privacy, IP or copyright laws,
- age-restricted products or services,
- any product, service or activity that is deceptive, unfair, predatory, or prohibited by one or more card networks,
- any product or service that infringes upon the copyright, trademark, terms and conditions or trade secrets of any third party.
Vendor's Account
Only Vendors can create an Account on the Website.
Creating Account is necessary to provide services for the Vendors.
Vendor accepts that the Active Account will be the primary communication channel between Vendor and the Transaction Cloud.
Each Vendor can create an Inactive Account on the Website by submitting an email and by setting the account password. The password is protected and encrypted.
To log in, the Vendor provides the email address and the password.
Vendor is required to protect the password for his Account.
An Inactive Account is transformed by Transaction Cloud into an Active Account, after Transaction Cloud's verification and activation, i.e., after passing the KYC procedure and signing the contract with the Vendor, which shall happen not later than in a month from creating an inactive account.
Transaction Cloud requires all Vendors to complete an account verification check as part of its KYC obligations. Vendor receives an email from Transaction Cloud's verification team which will perform the relevant KYC checks. In addition, Transaction Cloud verifies the quality of the products whose licenses it resells to the Buyers.
Vendor retains access to his Account for a period of 6 months from the date of termination or expiry of the contract with Transaction Cloud.
All rights to the Website and Materials are subject to the protection provided for in applicable law provisions. Publicly distributing, publicly sharing, multiplying, copying, even in part, of the Materials, requires the prior written consent of Transaction Cloud, unless otherwise provided for in applicable law.
Transaction Cloud makes every effort to respect copyrights and expects the Users to do the same.
DMCA notification
Transaction Cloud responds to all notifications of copyright infringement in accordance with the DMCA. You can make a notification if you believe that your copyrighted work was used in a copyright infringing manner on our Website. Please be advised that you can send an effective notification only if you are copyright owner, a person authorized to act on behalf of copyright owner, or a person authorized to act under any exclusive right according to DMCA.
In accordance with Section 512(c)(3)(A) of Title 17 of the DMCA, a notification must be made in writing and include substantially the following:
a physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed,
identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site,
identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit Transaction Cloud to locate the material,
information reasonably sufficient to permit Transaction Cloud to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted,
a statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law,
a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
DMCA notification can be made by sending an email containing, respectively, all necessary elements described above via email, our Contact Form or to our mailing address (Contact Details below).
Contact Details
All inquiries regarding these Terms of Use, as well as all reservations and complaints about the transaction.cloud Website can be made by sending correspondence to the following e-mail address: contact@transaction.cloudthrough our Contact Form available here https://transaction.cloud/contact or to the following mailing address: 10 Dorrance St., Suite 700, PMB No. 6923, Providence, RI 02903, USA.
Amendments to these Terms of Use
These Terms of Use may be amended from time to time by Transaction Cloud. We will change the "Last Updated" date above if We make any amendments to these Terms of Use. You agree that your continued use of our services will constitute your acceptance of such a revised Terms of Use after such amended Terms of Use are posted on the transaction.cloud Website.
Final Provisions
This Agreement shall govern and define the relationship between the Users and Transaction Cloud. All the dealings concerning these Terms of Use will be governed by the laws of the State of Rhode Island in the United States of America.
The parties undertake to seek amicable settlement of disputes arising from performance of these Terms of Use.
Any dispute or allegation arising out of or in conjunction with these Terms of Use or the performance, violation, or termination thereof shall eventually be resolved by formal arbitration in the State of Rhode Island in the United States of America.
Where any clause of these Terms of Use is found by a court of appropriate jurisdiction to be null or unenforceable, the parties however accept that the court shall endeavor to give effect to the intentions of the parties as expressed in the provision and that the other provisions of each of these terms continue in full force and effect. Transaction Cloud's acquiescence to, or refusal to act on, a violation of the terms of this Agreement would not revoke Transaction Cloud's ability to act concerning subsequent or similar violations. Similarly, any pause or refusal to exercise or execute any right or provision of this Agreement by Transaction Cloud shall not constitute a waiver of that right or provision.
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