
Sandbox Environment

Test the integration in a specially prepared Sandbox Environment. Create separate account and products on https://sandbox-app.transaction.cloud. Everything works the same as in the production environment, except that the transactions are virtual and do not result in actual payments.


Testing environment for developers. You can make free test payments without real cards.

Sandbox API URL



Please use the following cards for testing the checkout process for the sandbox account:

Card Type Card Number Expiry Date CVV Code Country / Currency
Visa 4263 9826 4026 9299 02 / 26 837
JCB 3566 0000 2000 0410 02 / 26 123 JP/JPY
Mastercard 5425 2334 3010 9903 04 / 26 123
Amex 374245455400126 05 / 26 1234
China Union Pay 6250941006528599 06 / 26 123 CN/USD

Google Pay

You can use your existing Google Pay account to complete the checkout process in Sandbox. Even though your real card is associated with your GooglePay account, there won’t be a real charge on your card while testing the sandbox checkout process.

Apple Pay

Unfortunately, Apple Pay is only available in production mode due to restrictions imposed by Apple. As a result, sandbox testing for Apple Pay is not possible.